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The Belarusian regime has crossed a red line by employing unprecedented violence and restrictive measures against Belarusian citizens that are demanding freedom and democratic changes. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

  • The elections have been stolen from the People of Belarus: main opponents are either imprisoned, barred from registration, or driven out of the country. Dictator Lukashenko claimed 80.23% of the vote while there have been multiple proofs that he did not get more than 14% of the votes.

Call on the US Congress to demand the release of all political prisoners, to condemn violence and human rights abuse, to support civic initiatives, independent media, and non-governmental organizations working toward the development of a peaceful and democratic civil society in Belarus.

· Spread the information about violence and human rights abuses in Belarus.

On August 9, 2020, fueled by rigged results of the Presidential election, people across cities and towns of Belarus took to the streets announcing a no confidence in the official results proclaiming the win of the incumbent president.

Protesters were met with brutal violence of the riot police. The cities of Belarus looked like war zones. Batons, rubber bullets, stun grenades, and water cannons were used against unarmed people.

Defying violence, hundreds thousand people keep flooding the streets demanding the end to the usurpation of power by the Lukashenka regime.

In recent months, Belarus has become a lawless country where citizens are routinely abused by the regime.

With the full backing of special/paramilitary forces, the regime has been relying heavily on the use of torture, violence, sexual assault, physical and psychological intimidation against Belarusian people that so far resulted in:

  • The deaths of five people through murder and torture.

  • · 450 cases of torture verified and documented by the United Nation Human Rights Office.

  • In August and September combined, more than 12000 peaceful protesters including minors were brutally arrested by the police, thrown in jail, tried without due process, incarcerated, and/or fined.

  • 77 political prisoners incarcerated under spurious criminal charges, 74 of whom were arrested in the period of May-September 2020.

  • Unidentified paramilitary personnel continues to abduct, jail, and/or force opponents out of the country.

  • Authorities fabricate criminal cases against leaders of independent trade unions.

  • Workers participating in the strike are getting fired and heavily fined.

  • In an act of political intimidation, authorities are publicly threatening to prosecute politically active parents and/or rescind their parental rights.

  • Journalists are routinely targeted, beaten, and arrested. Only recently 32 journalists were arrested, tried, jailed, and fined.

  • People continue to be denied the right to information from independent media/non-governmental sources.

  • Blocking or slowing down internet access has become the government’s tactics to obstruct the flow of information.

Belarusian people appeal to the international community to bring attention to the dangerous situation in Belarus and pressure the Belarusian authorities to stop the violence.

Unarmed people are standing up to brutal force.

Join us!

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